Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Cheerleader

There is a girl on a JV squad I know that has ADHD. Her older sister told me one day. Frankly, I wasn't surprised. This nice young girl turned to me at a game one night and said, "I'm not going to be able to sit here for two hours."

This I completely understood. So I gave her something to do for a quarter and also sent her on "errands" for drinks for me at the concession stand.

The thing is, cheerleading is great for her. She has so much energy. Now, she does have a harder time learning the cheers. That's concentration, and frankly, the coach should give her some more one on one, but he's not a teacher, and doesn't know or understand about ADHD.

But her spirit is head and shoulders above the rest of her team mates. Not over the top, just right if you ask me. She's not too loud, but she participates and stays busy cheering the team on.

Sometimes her form leaves something to be desired, but it's the ADHD more than anything else. Just excitement getting the cheer out and all that stuff going on around her.

I told her she was my favorite. And she is. She has spunk! I don't know how she does in school, but she has to do well enough to maintain a C average or she can't cheer. I think that cheerleading is going to do great things for her confidence, which I noticed at the start of the year could use a little help.

Her older sister kind of rides her, too. Instead of realizing it is the adhd making her bounce around, she chastises her for not sitting still like her twin. Kind of a bummer only because I know this road so well with Matt. But I plan on being her cheerleader. Keep her going and make sure she knows she is doing a great job and frankly out-cheerleading the rest of her squad.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Dear Matt has decided he might want to go to college. Frankly, so long as he has a job and can support himself, I don't care if he goes to college or not. BUT if he does go to college, of course I want him to succeed.

The best thing is that colleges offer many resources for the ADHD kid. Note takers, tutors, you name it.

The only thing is Matt's grades...but he has assured me he is doing well in school. He is continually telling me he is working his hardest. I'm not doubting, I just need to see his interims to see how hard I need to work on those college applications.

We really feel it would be best for Matt to start at a junior college. He needs some maturity before he hits a four year university. I'd like to see him at the junior college for at least a year where they offer alot of help. I think if he had that confidence under his belt, he would be alot better off when he went to a 4 year university.

Interims come out shortly. Then we'll go from there!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Wireless Phone Store

Ever been to the wireless phone store with your adhd kid? I have. Today. Did you know those sample phones they have on tethered lines all over the store are live? I do now. Matt called my lovely husband only lovely husband didn't answer. Then he called the cell phone number back. Lucky Matt was still playing with the phone so he was able to answer it!

And then they have the customer service computer by the door. It has a touch screen. What does that mean if you have adhd? That means you have to check it out. Press the buttons on the screen.

I'm trying to get my new phone and prevent Matt from ordering or signing up for something that we don't want/need/shouldn't be billed for.

Too much excitement in there for him. By the time I was done, I had such a headache trying to keep my eye on him and pay attention to the phone girl trying to help me so I could make sure I got only what I wanted.