Friday, June 1, 2007

The ADHD Mind

You have to have a sense of humor about ADHD. It can be very entertaining. Usually, the ADHD kid has above average intelligence. Their problem is just getting it out. I definitely want to use this blog to chat about the funny things Matt does, too. I just love his creativity! It's unfettered.

Last night, Matt was cooling off in the pool and he grabbed the skimmer net attached to the pole and pole vaulted into the pool. Now, in my 3 years of having a pool, I've never thought about doing that. Have you ever in your pool life? But Matt's mind just ticks away and sees things and uses them. Aside from the fact I had to say not to do that again as it might put a hole in the pool liner, I was laughing hysterically at his antics! What a clever guy!

Oh yes, and last week, my little comedian had another brainstorm. We had to go to the pool store where he saw fountains. "We need a fountain, Mom."
"Not right now," I had to say. What a party pooper I am or as my friend, Nancy would say, "a fun-sucker".

Did that slow down my genius? No. His ADHD mind was already off and running. As soon as we got home, he grabbed the lid to a styrofoam cooler and the sprinkler attachment. He put the cooler lid in the pool and set the sprinkler on top of it and attached the garden hose. It's so obvious, isn't it. Why didn't you think of it? Sadly, the force of the water through the hose knocked the sprinkler off the lid and into the pool. Okay, a consequence. A slow down to the plan. A mere interruption.

Scrap the cooler lid. Just set the sprinkler on the edge of the pool and adjust it so it rains on the pool surface (cleverly not wasting water on the deck). This is the pool fountain.

Isn't ADHD great fun? So clever. I mean, whodathunkit?

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