Saturday, June 2, 2007

The Wedding Crasher

Not really. But ADHD kid is going to a wedding with us today. First, he did everything he could to get out of it. Tried the very clever, "But I have something at church tomorrow." Would have worked, too, except that he can't lie. He always starts to smile.

"Can't I stay with..."

"Are you sure I have to go..."

"What about..."

"Wish I could bring a PSP." Oh, that would be nice. Wouldn't it? Not that anyone is paying attention to my kid, but on the off chance we sit near a relative of the happy couple, I don't want to ruin their day by distractions. Even though you can turn the sound off, you can still hear the clicking of buttons.

Suddenly a light went off and a smile came on his face. "I need to go charge the i-Pod."

"Son, you cannot wear an i-Pod at a wedding. It just isn't nice."

Yes, some of this is normal teen behavior. What teenage kid really wants to go to a wedding? I even tried bribing with all the food they will have at the reception to which he grumbled, "It will probably be all that fancy stuff."

Some of it is ADHD. Sitting for how long at the wedding? I'll make sure I have pen and paper in my purse. Then he can doodle. I'm sure there will be enough going on at the reception, and if not, I'll just take him out and about for a walk so at least dh can enjoy himself since it's his special friend pseudo-baby brother!

Take him to the wedding. He has to go. It's someone special, and he needs to learn about obligations. But since he has ADHD, go prepared so you aren't exasperated the whole time with unrealistic expectations of perfect behavior. It's a win-win for everyone!

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