Monday, June 18, 2007

Father's Day-The Toothbrush Incident

Oh yes, Happy Father's Day. Special day planned for dad to relax. He works so hard for all of us. Matt spent the night at his friend's house so we had to pick him up on the way to the beach for the day. He promised me he would set his alarm on his phone and be ready.

I should have been smarter! When has his alarm every awaken him? NEVER! But, dad called a few times on the way over to his friend's house, and we got him up. He came out, and we gave him his morning meds. Off we go for a fun day, right?

NO! "Did you bring my toothbrush?"

No, unfortunately we did not. Now I know that is kinda gross, and he is a very clean kid! But we had gum. It's not like we left him hanging, plus we are trying to teach him to ongoing battle with ADHD!

Okay, now he hyperfocuses. He doesn't have a toothbrush. His teeth or icky. "Can't you go by the house and get my toothbrush?"

"No, we cannot. You chose to stay over here. It's on the other side of town and not on the way to the beach."

Unyielding, me! My weakness. Ok. So don't say anything about it. We butt heads all the time. It makes dad crazy.

"Can't we stop somewhere?"

"No, we are not stopping. We have everything we need with us. We planned ahead."

"Stop," states dad.

It is after all, Father's Day, and he doesn't want to have it ruined by arguements. Right? Right.

Matt thinks a minute. You know. That ADHD brain is always working. Plus he's on a mission. Bump everybody else. He has a problem. "I gotta go to the bathroom."

Yeah, that doesn't work at church, either. "There's nowhere to stop."

Not mean. True.

Dad has to speak up and remind him it is Father's Day, and he doesn't want it ruined.

We did stop. Finally, a place. "Good. Now I can buy a toothbrush."

"Do you have any money?"

"No. I'll think of something," he says ever so smartly.

Dad goes in with him. He must have chatted with him, and bought some other gum that pleased him, because he dropped the whole thing.

I have to ask the money thing. We are trying to get him to get a job.

Happy in his victory he manages the rest of the ride to the beach.

Lucky for us, he has reached some maturity level and can entertain himself at the ocean. We hardly saw him all day, except for food breaks and drink breaks.

I got alot of great photos to record the day, which is always important to me. He even hugged me and said it was fun.

He is growing. It might take some time, but eventually we will get there. The benchmark is where we started, and we are certainly lightyears from there!

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